We have identified an ideal area of land whose community owners are keen to rent it for regenerative grazing so that they can use the money to invest in their own businesses.
In the pilot phase we'll be fattening cattle bought from the market which gives us a healthy return to prove out our land rental and fattening model. In phase 1 we'll then buy cows for building our breeding herd taking advantage of local genetics for disease resistance.
Our team comprises local knowledge and expertise in regenerative grazing which will allow us to implement the plan optimally and begin seeing increased fodder availability immediately.
We will recruit herders from the local communities, train them in low stress livestock management, but leverage their knowledge of the local area and challenges, then work with them to plan a grazing plan which works for the local environment.
In the first phase we will sell to brokers who will buy for cash on site, and then transport the animals to Nairobi for processing. In later phases as our numbers increase we will start leasing an abbatoir and move towards meat sales in the local and export markets. Eventually constructing our own abattoir once volumes make it a sound investment decision.
Over the first five years of operations with just phase one of this model and 500,000 USD of investment we will:
With additional investment raised for phase 2, by 2033 we will: